Website Feedback Response

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Website Feedback Response
Following the recently forum feedback form we have complied a list of the responses and my reply to the suggestions etc in the feedback. Please be aware all the feedback has been generalised and grouped, if you exact feedback does not show up that is probably why.

Firstly there is the overall feel about the forums and store. While these graphs (and questions) are nice to sum up the communities overall feel about the website, nothing specific can be actioned from them.


Now we go onto the more specific feedback and my response to it.

What do you like about Xenforo
Cleaner and easier to use for a normal user
More traditional forum layout (like Enjin)
Proper features like Likes, Awards (cakes etc)
More custom features/layouts
Good/easier to use layout

What don't you like about Xenforo
Staff features - Regarding the staff features I understand some of them are not the most useable, while I did spend time making it as easy as possible there are some limitations due to the nature of Xenforo, we will continue to look at improving this however.

Cluttered side panel - I am aware there is alot on the side panel, since the feedback form was released I have removed a couple of "unneeded" elements from the side-panel (it now doesn't extend below the main forum content. However I am still always looking at making the forums less cluttered.

Background/style being bland - Having gone back to look at Enjin (thanks Internet Archive) I had forgot how much of the background they was an image, while I personally prefer the more minimalist design I do understand not everyone does and will be looking at some of the suggestions regarding this to possibly create some further themes.

Like limit - The like limit was added to stop certain people abusing the like system, I understand it is annoying and the limit is something we are continually monitoring.

Mobile site - I do understand there are some issues with the mobile version of the website, we are currently looking into the style to try and identify what elements we can change and how we can make the overall mobile experience better.

What would you like to see added/changed on Xenforo
Latest Post Scrolling - The forums does not support a scrolling latest post widget without modification, currently you can view all unread posts by clicking "New Posts" in the header this is the best way currently to see all unread posts, we will look at possible addon-ons which allow us to add this feature.

Additional theme with a background image (enjin style) - As discussed above I did forget how much of the background on Enjin was image based, while I currently prefer the more minimalist design of Xenforo I do understand why people prefer the Enjin look, we will be looking at possibly adding an additional theme which has a larger background image, I am not sure how possible this is at the time however when we have more we shall showcase it.

Remove/raise the like limit - As stated above this limit was added to stop abuse of the like system, we are constantly monitoring the situation but will not be removing or raising it at this current time.

User group name colour - This was done a couple of days after the feedback form was released so has already been done. Am still looking at how this can be improved when we are working on additional themes.

As stated we will be continuing to work on the forums and this feedback as stated above. Further showcases of any changes will be published on the discord. If you have any suggestions in the meantime please create a Website Suggestion
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