Val's 501st Legion


Sep 9, 2023
Valiant's 501st Legion


Meet The Legion

501st leadership

Commander: Valiant

Executive Officer: Kojima

Major: Venatic

501st Commissioned Officer Team

Captain Dunkie

First Lieutenant Scar [Chazzetron]

Second Lieutenant Joe

Second Lieutenant Jynx [Vaize]

Second Lieutenant Kinger [Kix]

What is the 501st Legion?
We are The frontline Heavy Armament regiment that focuses on the uses of heavy weaponry and Armor that other regiments are not specialized in, We assist the frontline alongside the 212th Attack battalion and ensure that the frontline is cleared effectively and quickly with our Equipment that cannot be matched, We use a modified DC-15A made for the 501st along with a Personal shield activator, allowing us to take quite a hit before being incapacitated by those clankers

What is the Torrent Company?
Torrent Company is the 501st Elite unit. It's one of the strongest parts of the 501st, and for good reason, They use their bravery to charge onto the frontlines and provide cover with Their juggernaut suits. They then switch to causing as much damage as possible. Using the Quad cannon, They hold off any and all hostiles from advancing from the frontlines. as Torrent company, They prove why 501st are the Experts in Armament

Led by Chazz
Current Members: 8/8
Senior Torrent Company: Chazzertron
Advanced Torrent Company: Joe
Torrent Company: Tager,Grizz,Jynx,Winter
Trainee Torrent Company:Novi,Carmine

What is the 501st Regimental Medic?
The regimental medics are a off branch from the 501st Legion that are led by the Regimental Medic CO and XO, they provide support to troopers on the battlefield and ensure they are kept alive and well, They have the Grappling hook, which is used to reach areas that the 501st cannot normally reach, they also have Defibrillators to revive those downed in battle, and then the health kit and bacta injector, which can be used to heal and give ammo, and also the Stim Shot to overheal a trooper.

Led by Medical Officer Kinger
Current Members: 4/7
Medical Officer: Kinger
Senior Medics:
Junior Medics: Taylor
Trainee Medics:Hope,Dunkie

What is the 501st Advanced Recon Commandos?
Just like the Medics, ARCs for short are led by external members of the republic, the ARC CO and XO, they are elite trained members who are trained to be the best and most effective in combat, they like medics have the Grappling hook, however they also have a Westar-5 and Dual DC-17, This equipment ensures they complete their mission no matter what at a pace that cannot be matched.

Led by Seniors of ARC
Current Members: 1/3
Alpha ARC:
ARC Trooper: Kallig
ARC Nominee:
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  • Like
Reactions: Rabies
Weekly CO Meet Votes
Regiment: 0
Commander: 0/-1
Reg of the Week: CG

Rank Updates and Medals

congratulations to Frost being Promoted to 1st Lieutenant

Officer and Trooper of the Week
Trooper of the Week goes to SGM Softy
Officer of the Week goes to 1st LT Jamie

Overall notes: The regiment as a whole has had a rough week with our numbers being down, but activity and performance have been pretty good this week.

Activity: Mostly LTs on this week, with a few troopers and SGTs on for events

Performance: Overall, performance this week has been okay with us having at least three people on for every event​
Weekly CO Meet Votes
Regiment: 0
Commander: 0
Reg of the Week: 327th

Rank Updates and Medals

Congratulations to Tea for being Promoted to Captain.
Congratulations to Whitebeard for being promoted to 1st Lieutenant.
Congratulations to Softy for being promoted to 2nd Lieutenant.

Officer and Trooper of the Week
Trooper of the Week goes to 2nd LT Softy
Officer of the Week goes to 1st LT Catt

Overall notes: regiment as a whole has gotten much bigger with a lot of new faces and both performance and activity are much better as well

Activity: Mostly LTs on this week like Last week, however, there has been a good amount of troopers on along with a couple SGTs on at times, much better improvement from last week

Performance: Overall, this week has been better then last week, with a notable difference which is brilliant to see​
Weekly CO Meet Votes
Regiment: 0
Commander: 0
Reg of the Week: CD

Rank Updates and Medals
Congratulations to Tea on receiving the Frontline Excellency Medal

Officer and Trooper of the Week
Trooper of the Week goes to SGT Dunkie
Officer of the Week goes to 2nd LT Sterling (Softy)

Overall notes: Overall, it has been a fairly good week, with trooper numbers having improved massively and attendance during events and trainings

Activity: this week's activity has been fairly average overall, with a few high numbers, which is good to see

Performance: Everyone Performance this week has been pretty good overall; we had no real issues this week​
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Weekly CO Meet Votes
Regiment: 0
Commander: 0
Reg of the Week: CG

Rank Updates and Medals
Congratulations to Whitebeard on being Promoted to the Rank of Captain

Officer and Trooper of the Week
Trooper of the Week goes to SSG Dunkie
Officer of the Week goes to Captain Rex [Tea]

Overall notes: fairly standard week; nothing too big has happened overall

Activity: this week's activity has been pretty good, with us having decent numbers all around.

Performance: Everyone Performance this week was at around what was expected so keep it up​
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Weekly CO Meet Votes
Regiment: 0/+1
Commander: 0
Reg of the Week: CG

Rank Updates and Medals
We say goodbye to Executive Officer Vibrnt as he leaves the regiment
Congratulations to Tea on being Promoted to the Rank of Major
Congratulations to Jamie [Vaughn] on being Promoted to the Rank of Captain and being awarded the Medal of Brotherhood
Congratulations to Jamie | Kaiser on being Promoted to the Rank of second Lieutenant on a Trial basis

Officer and Trooper of the Week
Trooper of the Week goes to MSG Dunkie
Officer of the Week goes to Captain Vaughn [Jamie]

Overall notes: fairly standard week overall with our current numbers

Activity: this week's activity has been average, having 3-5 people a couple events but most the time having 1 or 2

Performance: Everyone Performance this week was at around what was expected so keep it up​
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Weekly CO Meet Votes
Regiment: 0
Reg of the Week: 327th

Rank Updates and Medals
We say goodbye to Second Lieutenant Kasier | Jamie as he leaves the regiment

Officer and Trooper of the Week
Trooper of the Week goes to SGM Dunkie
Officer of the Week goes to Second Lieutenant Kasier | Jamie

Overall notes: We've had pretty poor week in all honesty, our activity could be better

Activity: There have been quite a few time where we have had very few people on

Performance: Everyone's performance this week has been good, and it continues to improve. Well done.​
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Weekly CO Meet Votes
Regiment: 0
Reg of the Week: GM

Rank Updates and Medals
Major Tea was Promoted to Executive Officer
Captain Whitebeard was Promoted to Major
Sergeant Major Dunkie was Promoted to Second Lieutenant

Officer and Trooper of the Week
Trooper of the Week goes to SSG Dailin
Officer of the Week goes to Second Lieutenant Dunkie

Overall notes: We've Definitely been on the rise in the past weeks lots more numbers giving the reg more of a presence on the server

Activity: Numbers were lower at the start of the week but improved as time went on

Performance: Everyone's performance this week has been good and it continues to improve, well done.​
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Weekly CO Meet Votes
Regiment: 0
Reg of the Week: GC

Rank Updates and Medals

Officer and Trooper of the Week
Trooper of the Week goes to MSG Dailin
Officer of the Week goes to Second Lieutenant Dunkie

Overall notes: Regiments Had a major decline of activity and general performance

Activity: to put it short, it was an overall bad week, Hopefully we can turn this around next week

Performance: Everyone's performance this week was as expected from most​
Weekly CO Meet Votes
Regiment: 0
Commander: 0
Reg of the Week: 327th

Rank Updates and Medals
Second Lieutenant Softy is promoted to First Lieutenant
First Lieutenant Frost Resigned

Officer and Trooper of the Week
Trooper of the Week goes to SGM Dailin
Officer of the Week goes to Second Lieutenant Dunkie

Overall notes: Were on the edge with pushes so we needed to be on it with them and just improve overall activity Nothing crazy bad; we've had a decent week Also, we will be beginning to prepare for terror dome when we find out what it is

Activity: Not good not bad we have had average numbers over the week

Performance: Everyone's performance this week has been good, and it continues to improve. Well done.​
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Weekly CO Meet Votes
Regiment: 0
Commander: 0
Reg of the Week: 327th

Rank Updates and Medals
Sergeant Major Dailin is promoted to Trial Second Lieutenant
First Lieutenant Softy was awarded the Conquest Ribbon by assistant Battalion General Harkins

Officer and Trooper of the Week
Trooper of the Week goes to SGT Dat
Officer of the Week goes to Second Lieutenant Dailin

Overall notes: We have lost Push Lead after Fleet believes that we have not improved enough on the times, The LT Qual to replace Lead a Push will be revealed later on

Activity: decent numbers had an average of 5-7 troopers on for most events

Performance: Everyone's performance this week has been good and bad at certain parts, but it has been more on the good side​
  • Love
Reactions: Cobala
Weekly CO Meet Votes
Regiment: 0
Commander: LOA
Reg of the Week: RC

Rank Updates and Medals
No Promotions or Medals

Officer and Trooper of the Week
Trooper of the Week goes to SSG Alexander
Officer of the Week goes to First Lieutenant Softy

Overall notes: We've had a pretty average week; nothing really happened this week in terms of the regiment

Activity: Fairly good activity; we've had quite a few each event Well done

Performance: We've had good performance this week; keep it and let's try do even better next week​
Weekly CO Meet Votes
Regiment: 0
Commander: 0
Reg of the Week: GC

Rank Updates and Medals
No Promotions or Medals

Officer and Trooper of the Week
Trooper of the Week goes to MSG Venatic
Officer of the Week goes to Second Lieutenant Dunkie

Overall notes: We've had a pretty average week nothing really happened this week in terms or the regiment

Activity: Great activty this week lads lots of troopers and LTs on

Performance: We've had good performance this week keep up the good work lads​
Weekly CO Meet Votes
Regiment: 0
Commander: 0
Reg of the Week: 327th

Rank Updates and Medals
We say goodbye to 2nd LT Dailin as he fails his Trial LT Phase

Officer and Trooper of the Week
Trooper of the Week goes to SGM Kojima MS
Officer of the Week goes to Second Lieutenant Dunkie

Overall notes: We've had a pretty average week nothing really happened this week in terms or the regiment

Activity: Standard activity was very good this week

Performance: We've have had some good performance​
Weekly CO Meet Votes
Regiment: N/A [No CO meeting]
Commander: N/A [No CO meeting]
Reg of the Week: N/A [No CO meeting]
Congrats to Green Company on Reg of the Year

Rank Updates and Medals
Congratulations are in order for Dunkie Being promoted to First Lieutenant
Congratulations are in order for Kojima and Venatic Being promoted to Second Lieutenant
Officer and Trooper of the Week
Trooper of the Week goes to SGT jynx
Officer of the Week goes to Second Lieutenant Venatic

Overall notes: Christmas LOA has now started hope you all have a very merry christmas if i dont see you before it now! we have had a big week lots of promos specs building themselves back up 332nd is now rebuilding and getting better so that should be fully open soon after christmas LOA! and we have new spec leads for medics and Torrent company so big things coming with them! some of you may have noticed most of the SGT pool has vanished so we are looking into to improving stuff for you guys more trainings and getting more involved helping you lads out. Catt also decided to step down from medical officer to focus on bettering herself as an officer thankyou for serving as MO for so long.

Activity: Standard activity bit slower as server has been slowing down and staff have slowed in general

Performance: Been a good week for performance everyone's been doing really well

Enjoy your Christmas, ROA guys
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Weekly CO Meet Votes
Regiment: N/A [No CO meeting]
Commander: N/A [No CO meeting]
Reg of the Week: N/A [No CO meeting]

Rank Updates and Medals
Congratulations are in order for Kojima on being Promoted to First Lieutenant
We unfortunately say good-bye to Captain Jamie and Major Banji, who have transferred out of the regiment

Officer and Trooper of the Week
not done due to server hack

Overall notes: Christmas LOA has now ended; however, due to the fact that the server was backdoored, all trainings and regiment activities on the server side were halted for 3 days due to said backdoor As a result, no TOTW or OOTW was conducted, along with no CO meeting either, hence no scores or Reg of the week

decent activity on the days server was up and running

Performance: has been a very good week, performance-wise, from the days server was up
Weekly CO Meet Votes
Regiment: 0
Commander: 0
Reg of the Week: CG

Rank Updates and Medals
Executive Officer Tea transferred out the regiment to CG as 2nd LT
First Lieutenant Catt transferred out to the regiment to CG as a SGT
Captain Softy transferred out the regiment to GM as a SGM
CG XO Taylor transferred into the regiment as a Second Lieutenant andAdvanced Torrent Company
SGM Chazzatron was promoted to Second Lieutenant and Advanced Torrent Company
First Lieutenant Kojima was promoted to Major and was awarded the Diamond Legionary Star, the only person to get this so far

Officer and Trooper of the Week
Trooper of the Week goes to SSG Hevy
Officer of the Week goes to First Lieutenant Dunkie

Overall notes: A lots of ups and downs this week with loads of members transferring out and in

Activity: been good at times but is stable for each event

Performance: Been a good week for performance despite the changes to the regiment as a whole along with server​
Weekly CO Meet Votes
Regiment: 0
Commander: 0
Reg of the Week: RC

Rank Updates and Medals
Congrats to Venatic on being Made First lieutenant
Congrats to Hevy,Taylor and Joe being given the Heavy infantry ribbon by BG Roger

Officer and Trooper of the Week
Trooper of the Week goes to SSG Joe
Officer of the Week goes to First Lieutenant Venatic

Overall notes: A recovery week more then anything we are slowing climbing back up

Activity: been good at times but will admit its been lower

Performance: Been a good week for performance very well being some solid FL work​
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Weekly CO Meet Votes
Regiment: 0
Commander: 0/-1
Reg of the Week: CC

Rank Updates and Medals
Congratulations to Kojima to being Promoted to Executive Officer
Congrats to Jynx being given the Heavy infantry ribbon by ABG Harkins

Officer and Trooper of the Week
Trooper of the Week goes to SGM Joe
Officer of the Week goes to First Lieutenant Dunkie

Overall notes: Really good performance over all and especially TC!

Activity: has been really good with a 501st count of 25/30!

Performance: Amazing work in breaches and the FL keep it up!​
Weekly CO Meet Votes
Regiment: 0
Commander: 0
Reg of the Week: GC

Rank Updates and Medals
Congratulations to Jynx and Joe being Promoted to Second Lieutenant

Officer and Trooper of the Week
Trooper of the Week goes to SSG Saabre
Officer of the Week goes to First Lieutenant Dunkie

Overall notes: A massive comeback overall

Activity: been good at times even having 15 one during a event

Performance: : Been a good week for performance loads of good pushes​