Owen's Staff Application


Trial Moderator
Basic Information
Name: Owen
Age (you must be at least 16): 16
Time zone (GMT +/-): GMT - 0
In-Character Name(s): GC CPT Alpha-58 | Fleet Officer Owen
Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:513927720

About me: im a guy who originally started playing Gmod because of watching markipliers gmod videos, which inspired me to get the game, which then led me to star wars RP which i went by Dan in 38th to then keep getting pk'd by Momon which led me to the permeant name of Owen and that being MVG, outside of being a part of this community, Now a person in college taking on A-Levels but the studying has gotten to me.

Why do you want to become a staff member?: after being trusted by Painite to do some stuff when there was no staff and that me realize that staff is always needed so with this in mind might as well apply to try and get it, With the way that so many staff on yet no one doing claims with complaints going out in ooc so ill try help out

Server Info
Have you received any in-game warnings, kicks, or bans?: 1 Warning from 2022 From Malus
Do you have a microphone?: yes
How active can you be?: about 5 hours daily
Do you have any previous staff experience?: To an extent like stated above but yeah I know the basics which came with a bit of asking but i still remember what to do from being event specialist
Do you agree to adhere to the staff guidelines?: yeah and I accept them

On Behalf of the MVG Staff Team.

You have been placed On-Hold
During this time, you will be given the rank of Advisor and assist the staff team with basic claims and will be voted on again in 2 weeks time.

You'll receive a message to introduce you to Staff when both parties are available.