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Sep 14, 2023
Your mum
Basic Information
Age (you must be at least 16): 22
Time zone (GMT +/-): GMT+1
In-Character Name(s): Jedi High sentinel Oogway
Steam ID: STEAM_1:0:69763538

About me:

Hello, I'm Jack Better known as Oogway and I'm a long-time player of MVG. I staffed back in the day and at its best, I was the Developer for MVG CW, MVG RUST, and MVG Fivem (let's just say some of those didn't live for long). I ended up becoming bored of playing MVG and being a Developer on it and I ended up leaving the community for 3-4 months last year in which time I still enjoyed playing Gmod so started my own server which then made me get bored of GMOD as a whole. (YES I KNOW CRIMSONRP WAS STUPID). Since last leaving the community I have had the time to finish my master's degree in University and now for a year or two, I'm not really planning on leaving the community again unless Seniors assassinate me who knows? But now that I'm back in the community and enjoy playing on the server I want to give back again and help out by becoming a staff member.

Why do you want to become a staff member?:

My activity on the server will only improve staff response time and image when it comes to deploying dupes and doing NPC's for trainings. I have prior experience of being staff in the server. I'm also very unbiased so you won't have to worry about me favouring anyone over someone else. I also feel that with summer coming up that the server population is going to be grater so more staff the better etc etc

Server Info
Have you received any in-game warnings, kicks, or bans?: nope
Do you have a microphone?: Yes
How active can you be?: can be on after 6 pm most days
Do you have any previous staff experience?: Yes I was trial staff back in 2020 and Dev for a while
Do you agree to adhere to the staff guidelines?: Yes
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Oh no, not another Jack!

On-Behalf of the MvG Staff Team, your application has been Denied

After a talk with the Staff Team, we overall believe you won't fit within the Staff Team due to mainly your behaviour is seen as unserious and won't be a good fit for the Team.
For more details regarding this please contact me on Discord!

// Locked and Moved to Denied​
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