Add Crossguard and Donation7 Lightsabers To Hilt Chances

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New member
Trial Moderator
Nov 10, 2023
Your In-Game Name: High General Obi-Wan Kenobi
Suggestion: Add the crossguard and donation7 hilts to the hilt chance pool.
Addons Needed (workshop link): None, both are already on the server (Crossguard - models/weapons/starwars/w_kr_hilt.mdl and Donation7 -models/donation7/donation7.mdlmodels/donation7/donation7.mdl).
Reason: Simply to add more variety to Jedi lightsabers. The crossguard saber is suggested to be added as a legendary hilt with low chances and the donation7 hilt to be added as a unique hilt with extremely low drop chances. None of their extra blades have hit boxes and don't deal any extra damage and are there purely for cosmetic purposes. The donation7 hilt is relatively long so must shortened before use. As these are both just cosmetic hilts, they'll make no change to current saber combat and won't be anymore or less useful than current sabers.

On behalf of the MVG Staff Team

The following Suggestion has been Accepted

Expect to see it in game soon.

// Locked and Moved to Accepted.​
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