Meet the MVG Staff Teams

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Web Admin
Senior Staff
Sep 3, 2023

Meet the MVG Teams


The Owner is responsible for ensuring the progression and all-round development of Multiverse Gaming. Although they manage the servers globally the owner may occasionally be seen publicly on the servers, however, is more likely to be found on discord in the Central Hub or the forums assisting the Senior team in their duties and advising for future development for the servers as a whole. Though the owner has full domain over the community there is no use in messaging them over minor issues, such as player reports or unban requests, these are mainly dealt with by Head Admin+

DeadShot: I am the Lord Commander of Wales and my only goal is to bring the best possible experience into Multiverse Gaming and to bring about stability for the player base. I currently watch over the senior team as they continue to run the servers and keep up with sufficient development alongside our dev team - I am a charismatic individual living in the U.K - always up for a laugh and conversations with people

Community Manager

The Community Manager role is the highest position that you can achieve. This rank is achieved by a good track record of being a server senior, length of service and dedication to the server they are on, displaying strong leadership of their server while senior, and knowledge of all aspects of what it takes to run a server successfully, from being able to develop for the server, run the servers staff team, and handle any IC situation. They, along with the owner, are responsible for determining if the direction of the server is going in the right path, assisting the senior admin and senior developer with any help they require, and helping guide them to making the right decisions. They have overriding decision powers within the staff team and development. They are responsible for dealing and maintaining with magna carta votes, ensuring they are fair. Though more of a background role in the community, seen only occasionally on server, they have the authority to involve themselves in IC situations and may deploy
themselves IC or put in place a trusted person of their choice, as a last resort to IC issues.

Rush: Cheese

Senior Administrators

The Senior Admin rank is the most senior position of the regular staff hierarchy. They are responsible for many things across the server. From maintaining strong standards within the staff team and event team, ensuring each member of the team is performing to an adequate standard and performing the tasks expected of them. The Senior Admin may also choose to develop for the server, though it is not an expectation, and reserves the right to override any decision taken from the staff or development team. A Senior is also responsible for directly choosing the Head Admin, and ensuring they are performing their duties. If you have any issues with a staff member in-game, the Senior Admin should be your first port of call for discussing the issue.

Painite: *insert description*

Head Administrators

The Head Admins works far more in-game than a Senior Admin will and are responsible for ensuring new staff members and advisors are adjusting to their roles accordingly. Head Admins are responsible for each member of the staff team, they are expected to monitor their actions and performance and provide accurate feedback on a staff member's performance. They are chosen from experienced Admins who have maintained the role for a substantial amount of time and shown to be a positive influence on the staff team and community.

Turtles : I've played Gmod for 18k+ hours, wonder when to stop.

Jack: *Insert Description*


The Administrator rank is given to staff members who have shown continued good conduct and have proved that they have the capability to be assigned privileged permissions in-game. Administrators are able to give advice and guidance to Trial Moderators and Moderators of their respective servers. They are expected to mentor new Advisors and ensure they are ready for a place in the staff team. They have the ability to ban offending players permanently and have building permissions. Admins will primarily work in-game but will also often handle player reports and unbans.

Toe: *Insert Description*

Tom: Has the best opinions trust

Ryan: *Insert Description*


The Moderator rank is obtained by staff members who have passed their probationary period and have been deemed capable by the senior staff of their respective server. The Mod rank provides staff with an increased set of permissions such as the ability to ban for 2 weeks. They will be seen dealing with offences in-game however they will be able to deal harsher punishments to players who continuously break server rules.

Ikora: *Insert Description*

Cobala: Just Better

Chaos: *Insert Description*

Vex : *Insert Description*


The Trial Moderator rank is the first role a staff member gains when joining the staff team. This is a probationary role and Trial Moderators are monitored by senior staff members of their respective servers. T-Mods will attend low-level rule violations and answer queries and questions in-game. They have increased administration permissions and can ban players for a maximum of one day. They can also kick and warn offending players.

Run: *Insert Description*

Owen: *Insert Description*

Locho: *Insert Description*

Shadow : *Insert Description*

Edwin : *Insert Description*

Kallig : *Insert Description*

Momo : *Insert Description*

Gauntlet : *Insert Description*

Synergy : *Insert Description*

Bappo : *Insert Description*


The Developers are responsible for any development work that needs to be carried out on the servers within MVG. It is their main goal to help bring new content to the servers, and also fix bugs that may occur. Sometimes they may have a role in-game, however, they're not responsible for moderation. If you find an issue or have a bug to report or any other internal issue regarding server performance, make a report on the forums and we will look at it ASAP.

Dandy: Trello's are the key to good development. If you have any questions about MVG development please send them my way.

Aiden: *Insert Description*

Dylan: *Insert Description*

Chi: *Insert Description*

Tomery: *Insert Description*

Monty: *Insert Description*

Iota: *Insert Description*

Gauntlet: *Insert Description*

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