Lua effects not being killed properly (Possibly heavy lag inducing)


Trial Moderator
Sep 9, 2023
Description of Bug: Lua effects are stacking up and allegedly not being killed properly.

How to replicate: Have the whole server fire their weapon on hostiles.

Hello good sirs,
So I had previously looked into this so I can give some insight though obviously I'm not a gmod expert like others.

When we had first moved over ARCCW there was an issue with the lrb_tracer where it wasn't being killed properly.
This had ultimately caused a lua effect loop which made things like NPCs not have tracers etc for client side.

In addition to the above, clients are expected to have Much Lower FPS to someone that has joined the server as it effects are client side.
So re-joining the server will remove these effects.

As a request Synergy and to any other players.
If they get this within console can you please do the following:

Open Console `
Type FProfiler
Top Left - Start Profiling
Run for 10 seconds
Stop Profiling and then click on "Total Time in MS"

This should indicate what is taking up the most resources on your client.
An example can be shown below where I had identified that the LRB_tracer was not being deleted properly.

This was fixed a while back.


Hopefully this helps in trying to identify this issue.
Hello good sirs,
Heya, so Wooloo was getting lua errors as well that were the same as mine, so I had him run the profiler (since I wasn't getting them in a timely manner) and this was the result (Image attached)


In addition the function details do not appear when you click on it, and it just remains empty. (Second insert)


And upon printing details to console, this is the result

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In addition, it seems that when the killing error is not happening, the top bottlenecks are base lua paths mostly, so unknown what is causing that.

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thanks for this synergy
i'll take a look