Greys staff Application

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New member
Feb 26, 2024
Basic Information
Name: CardBord/ Reece
Age (you must be at least 16): 18
Time zone (GMT +/-): UK
In-Character Name(s): Grey
Steam ID STEAM_0:1:634548472

About me:
My name is Reece and I’m from Northern Ireland, in my spare time when I’m not in school or playing gmod I play a lot of football, about 4 times a week and matches on the weekend. I also like running as I usually get up early before school to do so most days. I spend a lot of time sitting playing games so I try and be as active as I can to be healthy.I also must add I’m quite fond of grapes they are nice

Why do you want to become a staff member?: The main reason would be to improve my trainings and overall creative outlet in the reg, staff would give me the opportunity to implement my own ideas and spins on certain dupes. I know what people in my reg wanna see and being staff would allow me to modify dupes without having to explain to other staff what exactly I want when they arrive in areas like DSIM. This would be useful for me to get staff so I can do things myself but not only for my reg, for others aswell
Also I would like to add that’s I have always wanted to try staff and feel that now would be a good time to as I am any to add diversity and make my trainings, cross reges, spec ops etc. Being staff would allow me to do this myself. Also I have been playing the server for about 3 years now so I have a good understanding of what’s expected during events and from staff in them and overall what goes on in game.

Server Info
Have you received any in-game warnings, kicks, or bans?: I have had a few warns in the past and had 1 ban for repeated LTAP however that has already been sorted as they were accidental as my game tended to crash a lot last year, and unfortunately this happened at a few wrong times leading to me getting warned for LTAP however haven’t got any in over a year and must add that these were done as a jawas and I have never got in any bother when I’m playing as a trooper.
Do you have a microphone?: yes
How active can you be?: on pretty much everyday and every event apart from the first ones usually, and not planetary on Tuesday and Thursday.
Do you have any previous staff experience?: no this would be my first time however I have a basic understanding of Gmod
Do you agree to adhere to the staff guidelines?: yes
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Shouldn't the IC name be CardBord? You should use the name your most known for if not your full in-game name

On-Behalf of the MvG Staff Team, your application has been Denied

The reason for it being denied is primarily due to activity, presence and also behaviour on the server currently, which isn't up to the quality needed within the Staff Team.
This is easy to build up, I recommend just continuing talking to people in friendly ways and getting your name out there in OOC and IC. Also, read through our rules another extra time making sure you did not miss anything.
For more details regarding this please contact me on Discord.

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