Pac Aplication

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Sep 11, 2023
In-Game Name(s):Thruz/solus kal


In-game Rank(A minimum rank of 1st LT or Master Specialist is needed): 1st LT

For what reasons would you use PAC? (A minimum of 100 words): I wanna be able to elevate my characther and make it fit better with the lore charracther that i am using but also make it easier for people to understandd what spec i belong to by having the staff on my back.But also putting my pistols on me somewhere becasue right now i have two holster but thay are empty and that looks kinda weird when not having the pistols equiped, Also having stances giving my character a more serious look. I would also like to ad some sort of mandolorian insignia wich my lore characther has but not the model i am using

Give us an example of what you would put on your character(s):

Staff for guard job dual pistols from my equipment possible some kind of insignia

What effect would it have on your RP? (A minimum of 100 words):
As i stated before it would all ad up to a more well rounded rp characther that just makes sense becasue right now i pull out a meter long staff out of thin air and have empty holster even when im not holding any guns. With the right stances it would reflect the pride my lore characther has and tshowing that he is one of the strongest CD mebers. Having insignias and adding other parts of my lore charachter to make it look more like him would also ad more to the r of my characther

How many warnings do you have?:0

Have you had PAC3 previously?: NO

Are you fully aware that if you breach any of the rules your access will be removed?: Yes
In-Game Name(s):Thruz/solus kal


In-game Rank(A minimum rank of 1st LT or Master Specialist is needed): 1st LT

For what reasons would you use PAC? (A minimum of 100 words): I wanna be able to elevate my characther and make it fit better with the lore charracther that i am using but also make it easier for people to understandd what spec i belong to by having the staff on my back.But also putting my pistols on me somewhere becasue right now i have two holster but thay are empty and that looks kinda weird when not having the pistols equiped, Also having stances giving my character a more serious look. I would also like to ad some sort of mandolorian insignia wich my lore characther has but not the model i am using

Give us an example of what you would put on your character(s):

Staff for guard job dual pistols from my equipment possible some kind of insignia

What effect would it have on your RP? (A minimum of 100 words):
As i stated before it would all ad up to a more well rounded rp characther that just makes sense becasue right now i pull out a meter long staff out of thin air and have empty holster even when im not holding any guns. With the right stances it would reflect the pride my lore characther has and tshowing that he is one of the strongest CD mebers. Having insignias and adding other parts of my lore charachter to make it look more like him would also ad more to the r of my characther

How many warnings do you have?:0

Have you had PAC3 previously?: NO

Are you fully aware that if you breach any of the rules your access will be removed?: Yes

Your application has been accepted​

Next time you join the server you will have acces to PAC3, If you in any way abuse it or break the PAC rules it will be stripped from you.​

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